Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Celebrating Independence Day

17 August was a historical day for people of Indonesia. This year Indonesia had been 63 years free from colonialism since the declaration of independence on 17 August 1945. People of Indonesia celebrated the Independence Day with various ways.

Anin, and Dea were so excited. They had been waiting to join the fun game such as eating krupuk, run with gunny sack, etc. They asked me to accompany her to the field nearby, where my neighbors gathered around to celebrate Independence Day. Rafif followed us. He was enthusiastic although he didn’t understand what was going on.

Anin and Dea joined the eating krupuk game. The participants should eat the hanged krupuk as fast as they could, without touching it. The one who could finish eating krupuk faster than the others would be the winner.

Anin could finish it faster, but Dea did not. She found it's difficult to bite krupuk, even to reach it by her mouth.

Then Rafif came, he knew that his sister needed help. So look at what this little fat-cute-boy had done! Ha..ha..

The result was quite good. Look at Anin who was proud of becoming the second winner!

Last Sunday on 17 August, I and my husband went around Kenten-Palembang to take some pictures of the activities that people did on that happy day.

We went to Jl. Residen Abdul Rojak . In a field, there were many people watching the “ Panjat Pinang “ game. “ Panjat Pinang was one of the popular games on celebrating Independence Day. An oily beam of betel was set in the middle of the field. There were many things hanged on the top of the betel, so when someone could reach them, the things would be his. In this game, all the participants should cooperate, hand in hand to reach the top.

At Paramount, Dea’s school, the games and competitions were held on 19 August. Dea joined the run with gunny sack. At the first time she looked so excited, but after she fell down she lost her fighting spirit. She left the arena without finishing the game! Oh child!


Anonymous said...

duh ga harus komen pake english kan? :p

rame juga yah bunda perayaan tujuh belasan disana

mudahan ramenya perayaan2 ini nggak buat kita lupa kalo sesungguhnya kita belum benar2 "merdeka"

Anonymous said...

Wah menang lomba makan krupuk ya....sebetulnya ibunya yang seru klo lomba makan krupuk....

Anonymous said...

wah, meriah sekaliiiiiiiiiii
terima kasih tumpangannya

Anonymous said...

wah gimana kalo lombanya ditambah lagi misalnya lomba ngeblog, he he
bercanda kok,
terima kasih tumpangannya